Join the Hogwarts Legacy modding contest & compete for a share of $125,000!
$5,000 X 5 winners
$2,500 X 15 winners
$2,500 X 10 winners
Weekly Winners
$500 X 60 winners
Community Favorites
$2,500 X 3 winners

Join the Hogwarts Legacy modding contest & compete for a share of $125,000!
$5,000 X 5 winners
$2,500 X 15 winners
$2,500 X 10 winners
$500 X 60 winners
$2,500 X 3 winners
Enter the magical contest celebrating the launch of official in-game modding in Hogwarts Legacy. Create your mods and claim your share of the $125,000 treasure trove!
Download the official Dev Kit to start brewing your mod
Craft & submit your mod from within the Dev Kit into Hogwarts Legacy
Join the Goblet of Mods contest by filling out this registration form
Sit back & relax with a butterbeer!
Your mods are now eligible for
grand prizes,
weekly rewards, and community favorites!
Be it magical concoctions, magnificent spells, or wondrous beasts, there are countless ways to join the goblet and seize a share of the fantastical prizes awaiting the most inventive minds!
From Feb 20 until March 27, the judges will select the best 10 weekly mods already submitted. Each creator can claim victory only once in this category
After the grand winners are announced, the community will cast their votes for their three favorite mods from the grand winners.
Voting will be via X (Twitter) or this page.
3 community winners*
$2,500 per winner
One winner will be selected from each of the three mod categories: Worldbuilding, Cosmetics, and Gameplay
The official Hogwarts Legacy
Creator Kit is here!
Get full control over your creations -
design your own quests, craft mysterious dungeons, and bring new skins,
characters and cosmetics to life.
Control every magical detail and share your work seamlessly with players worldwide!
Let our servers do the cooking for you!
We keep your hardware light, as we safely cook your mod for PC players,
and free you up to work on more creations while it’s brewing
Publish your mods with ease! Directly upload your work from the Hogwarts Legacy Creator Kit, test it in-game, and once it's live - use the dashboard to get simple insightful analytics
Once approved, your mods appear in-game for all PC players to explore and download directly from their menu - a true portkey to Hogwarts magic!
Join a thriving modding community!
Connect on Discord for expert support from CurseForge, share ideas, and create together in the
Hogwarts Legacy modding realm
No, the competition is open to all countries!
Yes, in order to publish your mod, you must sign in with a CurseForge account.
You can! Modders may publish and submit as many mods as they’d like.
The Goblet of Mods contest will have 83 winners! You can win through one of our main categories, as a weekly winner, and as the community favorite.
The contest consists of category winners, weekly winners, and community favorites. CurseForge or the community (all depending on the type of reward) will judge and select the winning mods. Learn more about our process in the Goblet of Mods Terms and Conditions page.
Once our Grand prize winners are announced on Twitter, the community will vote on their favorite from each category. To cast your vote, like the CurseForge Twitter post dedicated to one of the winners. Please note you’ll need a Twitter account to do so.
Hogwarts Legacy mods are created using the Hogwarts Legacy Creator Kit.
Once your mod is ready, use the "Upload to CurseForge" widget inside the editor to test it in-game.
When satisfied, submit it for publishing on CurseForge.
It will be reviewed by our moderation team and published once approved.
Learn more about this at our Hogwarts Legacy authors’ knowledge center.
Dungeons and Quests, as well as character enhancements like cosmetics, skins, wands, and brooms. More options will be added in the future.
You can read more about the Hogwarts Legacy Creator Kit and how to use it here as well as our Hogwarts Legacy authors’ knowledge center.
Hogwarts Legacy mods are currently supported on PC only.
You can find the guidelines in our Hogwarts Legacy authors’ knowledge center.
All Hogwarts Legacy mods will be accessible in-game, allowing gamers to discover, install, and play with mods directly from the PC game menu.
You will need to recreate your mods in the Hogwarts Legacy Creator Kit for them to be available in-game. Read the How To Import Mods page for more information.
You can join our dedicated Discord server for mod authors as well as our Hogwarts Legacy authors’ knowledge center.
Yes, you need to be at least 18 years old to participate and be able to claim the reward via our Reward Program.
Read out the Goblet of Mods Terms and Conditions page.
$5,000 X 5 winners
$2,500 X 15 winners
$500 X 60 winners
$500 X 60 winners
$2,500 X 3 winners